Benefits of manuka honey

image of older couple with bicycles enjoying life together

The Sweet Solution: Manuka Honey and Its Impact on Reducing Cognitive Aging

Introduction As we age, maintaining our cognitive health becomes increasingly important. The quest for effective natural remedies has led to the discovery of Manuka honey, a unique honey variety with remarkable potential in combating cognitive decline. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of Manuka honey and delve into the research supporting its role in […]

The Sweet Solution: Manuka Honey and Its Impact on Reducing Cognitive Aging Read More »

What are the health benefits of Mānuka Honey?

Mānuka honey is produced in New Zealand and is known for its unique antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. These can provide a number of health benefits: Wound healing: Mānuka honey has been shown to be effective in healing wounds and promoting tissue regeneration. Its antibacterial properties help to prevent infections, and its anti-inflammatory properties help to

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Why a spoonful of honey before bed can help you to sleep

Manuka Honey can help you get a sweet night sleep.  Consumed just before bed, there are two ways that honey can assist your sleep. ·        Honey helps your brain release melatonin – the hormone released by the pineal gland in the brain at night.  Melatonin is associated with control of the sleep-wake cycle.  Honey is

Why a spoonful of honey before bed can help you to sleep Read More »

What are Bio-Actives

Bioactives are constituents in foods that have a positive benefit to the body over and above their nutritional value, for example the anti-oxidant quality of blackberriries. We all love busy, fast paced lives, and our bodies crave natural, authentic goodness. That’s why Kāre has sourced the best bioactive ingredients for their products.

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